Last week I had several calls for bats in Fairport NY. Whether its fall, winter, spring, or summer you can potentially have a bat problem. Summer is the common time of year for bats. However anytime the weather is warm enough for mosquitos to fly at night. You can have bat activity. This time of year is challenging at best. However JacopilleBornheimer is able to start a bat exclusion, place one way doors on your home and prepare it for bat exit whenever the weather allows new activity. When the weather is cold these bats stay dormant and go into hibernation. However when the temperature increases the bats become active and leave the attic to find food.
As Christmas grows closer bat encounters become common in homes as folks open up there attics and garage space to warm inside air. This air awakens hibernating bats. Because of this, normally dormant bats end up flying around your living room. Another cause of this can be rooms that are normally cool and unused become used as holiday guests arrive. Anytime a normally cool area of your house gets heated up and you have bats inside your wall or attic there is a risk of encounters and exposure.
Our solutions at JacopilleBornheimer are simple. Remove the problem bat(s). Seal up any and all problem areas. Our goal is to offer opportunity for bats to leave as the weather rises.The job will not be completed if you have a major infestation until spring. However if the bats become active they will leave and be unable to reenter.
Lastly, this time of year because it is generally a slower time allows us to do a normally expensive spring or summer job at a discounted rate. This time of year that means its some money in our pocket and better yet more left in yours! So call if you need us. If you don’t ask however you’ll never know. Happy Holidays!!